
Have you ever enjoyed the pleasure of deep silence? By silence I mean absolute stillness of the mind. Shastras say, “If one can completely stop the mind for a moment, he is saved forever.”

Vision of the Lord

Toward the end of last February, one afternoon I was rolling papads [savory snacks] in my house, when a letter came from Sri Vineethji who was at Bangalore. I did not open it then

Prosperity and Welfare of Nations depend on Good Leaders

This is the age of science and technology. On one side astonishing progress has been made in the fields of plastics, electronics and computers. Scientists have also made wonderful discoveries in the spheres of

Restore the Glory of Bharat

In the following discourse on His birthday in 1990, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the glory of Bharat and said, “I do not expect anything from you. Only, develop love within you.

Sanathana Sarathi

Salutations and Worship! O Sanathana Sarathi! Abide in Thee, Peace and Tranquility! Nobly from the Pranava didst Thou cast a Universe as of fun; Ambitious, Thine enemies knew not that Thou bestowed them their

Divinely Supreme Miracle

Bhagavan reached Goa via Dharwar at 10 P.M. on the 7th of December and was received at the Cabo Raj Nivas [house] by the Lt. Governor Sri Nakul Sen I. C. S. and family.

My Inner-View with Swami

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Sister Lizette Jaffri shares her story of finding Swami and learning to connect with him through inner-view. Beloved Swami repeatedly reassured her that Jesus and Sai

Amazing Appendix

Following is from Bhagavan’s discourse on December 12th, 1970, in Goa, after He took on the appendix inflammation that had come to a point of bursting in a devotee. Each one has come embodied


Sai: (At the start of an interview with a group of Western­ers) Follow the master, the inside Atma, the super-conscious. Life is a challenge, fight to the end. Life is a song, sing it.

Spiritual Wisdom

Bhagavan has seven chief characteristics: prosperity, glory, wisdom, non-attachment, creation, preservation, and dissolution. Whoever has these seven you can consider as having Divinity in Him. These seven are the unfailing characteristics of Avatars, of

The Immortal Bhaktas

In His discourse in 1986, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the nine forms of devotion that we can practice. He elaborated on them and said that bhakti (devotion to the Lord) is

The Fettered Fire

Indra Devi, who is well known to our readers, has had the experience of a great big act of Grace from Baba, something which we love to call a Miracle. “In person and through