The True Offering

Among yajnas, there are two types—the outer and the inner, the outer being a reflection of the inner. The inner yajna is the bird in the hand; the outer, the bird in the bush.

The Victory of Victories

In His Divine discourse on Mahashivaratri 1977, Swami guides us in realizing that “Awareness of the One ensures unshaken tranquility.” Swami further explains the significance of observing this sacred night with spiritual practice: “In

True Bliss Lies Within

Dr. Sanjay Mahalingam was a student and research scholar from 2002-2008. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Commerce in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi

Humble Prayer

Baba, please do light my path So that I may not stumble And complete my journey to the last, Without a groan or grumble. Baba, please grant me the sight, To see my real

“Should I create something in order to show you a miracle?”

Siddhanth Chandrashekar was a student in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus, from 2006-2010. Currently, he is a scientist at GE

Yoga and Moksha

Q. We commit many sins and do many meritorious deeds with this body and this mind, Swami! They bring about grief or joy; now, this “I” of which you are speaking, is it the

Speech and Silence

Speech is produced cheaply, but it has high value. It can elevate as well as demean man. Listening to a speech, a zero can rise into a hero or a hero can collapse into

Why Should We Keep Good Company?

The company one keeps determines one’s character. A person tries to join the group where he can freely express his innate nature. So satsang (holy company) is a very important requisite for moral and

Why Fear When I Am Near!

The author, the late Maj. Gen. (Retd.) S. P. Mahadevan, retired from India’s Armed Forces after a long, distinguished career and was awarded the AVSM [a military award] for his outstanding services. After retirement

A Bouquet for Our Beloved Sai

I start this Prayer to Sri Ganesha, who keeps us from all harm and sin: Dear Ganesha, Sri Ganesha, bless this Journey we begin. Sweet Ganesha. Sai Ganesha, Lead us to Lord Sai our

Divine Tutelage Under Sri Sathya Sai

Our Loving God says that in the present, the past lives and the future gets shaped. I feel quite nostalgic while I go down memory lane. When I was eight years old, my parents

The Gross and Subtle Concept

Bhakta: Swami, at Venkatagiri, during the ‘Adhyatmika Sabha’ (assembly pertaining to the spirit), You said some things that I could not clearly understand; can I ask about them now? Swami: I am happy when