I Am I

Be he a student, a celibate, a householder, or a renunciant, the goal is one and same for all. Contemplate on the principle of so-ham [that I am] that your inner voice teaches. Say

Inherit Sai Wealth: Love

This great Motherland of ours, which produced high-souled men           who spread its glory across the continents; This heroic land that won its freedom from occidental adventurers; This sacred land that achieved eminence in

Inauguration of Sathya Sai College at Anantapur

Swami inaugurated the Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College for Women at Anantapur on July 22nd, 1968. The public meeting held in connection with the inauguration was presided over by the Andhra Pradesh

Vibhuti Does it!

It was summer. Some Sai devotees had assembled near the leprosy asylum for seva [service]. The bhajans [devotional hymns] started. Students of the Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School had also gathered there. After bhajan, fruits

Secure God’s Love

Bhagavan Baba in His Christmas Day discourse at Poornachandra Auditorium said that you are all messengers of God. But you have no right to call yourselves messengers of God if your actions are bad,

Our Humanity is Being Absorbed in His Divinity

Mr. Tajmool Hossein, B.A., LLB. (Honors.), London, was a towering and authoritative figure in the legal fraternity. He qualified as an English Barrister at Lincoln’s Inn, London, in December 1964 and was appointed Queen’s

Q & A with Bhagavan

Hislop: Swami says that ‘All is done by the Lord, and not by you.’ But the world over, there is the concept that man is responsible for his own actions. Sai: You are God.

Vagaries of the Mind

The mind is like a clean mirror. It has no intrinsic power of its own to directly experience the sense objects, except through the concerned sense organs. For instance, it can see only through

Diamonds in the Dust

In the following discourse during Dasara, Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba explains that we should not identify ourselves with the body but the atma as that confers bliss, peace, and light. Compassion toward all

Saism Alone can Usher a Golden Era for the World

Arjun Kumar Sengupta has a Ph.D. in Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he taught at the London School of Economics and Delhi University. He worked as an economic adviser to international agencies and

The Ray of God

The Upanishads say that the human is a spark of Divine Love, encased in five sheaths: the anna (gross, material, food component), the prana (vital air, breath), the mana (the mental, emotional, volitional), the

The Real & The Unreal

Swami: Oh! When did you arrive? You were not visible anywhere outside. Are you well? Bhakta: It’s two days since I came. I see here a number of people everywhere outside. I hear the