Easwaramma⎯An Homage

The Lord said In the Gita: In every age when this Earth Is dominated by sin And evil prevails, I descend on Earth To redeem humanity. However, while descending Even the Lord has to

Walking with the Divine

Living in Dharmakshetra (Mumbai) I was blessed at an early age. As a child I visited the center regularly with my grandfather. The first time I met Swami was in Kodaikanal. He walked into

Jnana and Yoga

Q. You have been saying that jnana is essential; well, what exactly is the function of jnana? A. Jnana makes you realize the atma–swarupa, that is to say, your own Reality. Q. And yoga?

How to Combine Pleasure and Renunciation

The Isaavaasyopanishad [Hindu scriptures] declares that whatever bhoga (pleasure) one wants to enjoy, he should do so in a spirit of renunciation. In daily life, enjoyment and renunciation do not go together. The tyagi

Time is the very form of God… Time wasted is life wasted

All things happen according to the dictates of time; Both good and bad depend on time; Prosperity and poverty likewise depend on time; Time is the determinant of all things, There is none who

From Doubting Thomas to a Sai Devotee

Maharaj Kishen Kaw joined the Indian Administrative Service in 1964 and held several high positions in the Government of India untill his retirement. After his retirement in 2001, Kaw has been the Dean for

The Holy See

Those days, those days in Prasanthi, not a care in the world waiting for the Lord of the Universe Rainbow sequined saris flutter like colorful prayer flags in the sultry, warm breezes Women devotees,

Sri Sathya Sai: Most Loving Master

Dr. Naren Ramji was an MBA student from 1986-1988 at the Department of Management and Commerce. Currently he is the Registrar of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam. A lady


Hislop: One hears about various paths to self-realization. What does this mean? Sai: There are three paths. There is that of devotion; the guru guides and all is left to the guru to perform.

God’s Home

When Jesus was a child, during a visit to Jerusalem, he was lost in the crowd. After a frantic search Mary found him in a temple listening intently to the speech of a priest.

How to be Near and Dear to God

Of what avail is it to be a scholar or clever intellectual If one does not practice even a fraction of what one knows? Not all the luxuries and pleasures of the world will

“How Many Friends Do You Have?”

Before joining the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning by the grace of our Lord, I had received a few chances of experiencing minute drops of His Divine leela [play]. Here, I wish to