The Picture that Changed My Life

On Sunday, the 6th of July 1968, after having my lunch, I was quite casu­ally reading the book, “Sathyam, Sivam, Sunda­ram” on the life and mission of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. While reading, I

Baba is Everything

To me Baba is everything; I am but insignificant thing; I write because He holds my pen; He alone sings and teaches all men. I echo when He sings or talks; I am nothing

“The Sai Religion”

Whom the Muslims adore as Allah, the Christians as Jehovah, the Vaishnavas as Phullabjaksha, and the Shaivites as Shambhu, who grants in answer to their several prayers health, prosperity, and happiness to all, wherever

Ashramas and Varnas

Q. Swami! Of the four ashramas [stages of life as defined in Hinduism]—the brahmacharya [student], the grihastha [householder], the vaanaprastha [retired], and the sanyasa [renunciation]—which is basically important? A. As all living things are

Chitta Shuddhi Yoga

Man is sathyam, shivam, and sundaram (truth, goodness, and beauty). That is why he is drawn by the true, the beautiful, and the good. He hates being labeled a liar or an ugly person

Part of the Task

“Death came with a dagger to kill Dada; but I struggled with him and brought him down. Now, Dada is safe.” “Death attempted to snatch Dada Saheb away; but I did not let him,”

The Sadhaka and the Scholar

Every animate being has to attain fulfillment. That is the destiny, however hard, however long, the journey. When and how are determined by the nature of the cumulative effects of many lives. The effects

The Lord’s Footsteps

Last night I had a dream, I dreamt I was walking on the sands with the Lord Himself, and on the screen of the night I saw like in a movie, all the days

Singing for Sri Sathya Sai

Balaramchandran T. S. was a student at the Department of Management Studies at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus, from 1997-1999. Currently he is the Regional Training Manager at

The Path to Enlightenment

Q. Swami, you say that one has to do certain things and not do others. How are we to know which is which? What is the authority? A. The Shastras [scriptures] are the authority.

Vehicle Care

During the celebrations of Hospital Day in 1974, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about cleanliness and taking care of the body. He said that not only food but also whatever we see, hear,

Sadhana and Swami

  “Isn’t it enough if we love Swami? What is the need for rules and regulations for Sathya Sai centers?” In answer to this query from an American devotee, Dr. John Hislop wrote the