The Path to Enlightenment

Q. Swami, you say that one has to do certain things and not do others. How are we to know which is which? What is the authority? A. The Shastras [scriptures] are the authority.

Vehicle Care

During the celebrations of Hospital Day in 1974, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about cleanliness and taking care of the body. He said that not only food but also whatever we see, hear,

Sadhana and Swami

  “Isn’t it enough if we love Swami? What is the need for rules and regulations for Sathya Sai centers?” In answer to this query from an American devotee, Dr. John Hislop wrote the

Sai Fairytale

Teach me the language of Love, Sai Krishna fragrant verses flow from the rose of Your heart kissing awake each dreaming petal Speak the unifying, angelic tongue that every fragment, consonant, and syllable of

His Divine Concern

Ashwin Venkateshwaran, alumnus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning and currently a senior manager in Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences in Whitefield shares how concerned our Divine Lord is

The Banging of the Clock

We live in California and by the grace of Sri Sathya Sai Baba we have visited him twice, in India. The first time was at Puttaparthi, a little over a year ago. The next


H: What does surrender to the Lord mean in such common things as shaving, going to the market, walking and so on? Sai: Surrendering to the Lord is surrendering all thoughts and actions, not


Man must give up the craving for material comfort and the attachment to sense-objects. He must discard the false fears, the absurd desires, the sorrow, the worries, and the artificial pleasures that now fill

Heroic Mothers and Noble Sons

Bhagavan Baba spoke to His devotees on Mother’s Day in 1996 and urged them to see the mothers as strong and not weak. He also encouraged them to respect and love them. Embodiments of

Mother’s Day: Priya Donthula

Priya Donthula is a talented woman and she is the best person I have ever known. Priya Donthula is my mother. Priya is compassionate, cheerful, and a hard-working woman. She was born and raised

The Mother

People conceive of God in various ways—as Saraswati, the bestower of wisdom, as Lak­shmi, the bestower of prosperity, as Vishnu, the preserver and protector of man, as Vighneshwara, the remover of all obstacles in

S.S.E. Student Offerings to the Divine Mother 2017

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day. For this occasion, our children submitted poems, drawings, and other creations for publication in Sai Sarathi. These following submissions on the theme of “mother”