Swami Speaks About Tapas

Q. What exactly is tapas [penance], Swami? A. It means the end of the activities of the senses; one must be the master of all of them. There should be no trace of craving

What is Freedom?

People in general cannot understand what spirituality is and what individual freedom is. Spirituality does not mean living in solitude, far away from society. On the other hand, true spirituality consists in sowing the

Sneha—The Eighth Stage

Bhagavan Baba encourages youth to cultivate true friendship that exhibits trust, steadfast faith, and acceptance of one’s circumstance devoid of doubt, fear, and anxiety, thus making it divine. Sneha (friendship) is the eighth of

Swami I Want You

Divij Desai, a Student from 2001-2006, in the Department of Physics of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, wrote the following article. Currently he is a Manager, at TCS e-Serve Ltd., in

The Silent but Steady Presence of Sai in my Life

After its spellbinding presentation in the Sai Kulwant Hall on the birthday evening, a dedicated group—of 126 musicians from 16 countries—did an encore in the Indian capital, New Delhi. The symphony was a unique


The Bhagavad Gita [song of God] declares, in clear and ringing tones, “Whenever there is decline of dharma [right conduct], and the rise of adharma [unrighteous behavior], I shall embody Myself. For the protection

Swami Answers on Prayer

Hislop: Usually, the idea [of prayer] is that one should go to a quiet place and be in a quiet mood when he wishes to pray. Sai: Whenever and wherever you put yourself in

Individual Freedom

People in general cannot understand what spirituality is and what individual freedom is. Spirituality does not mean living in solitude, far away from society. On the other hand, true spirituality consists in sowing the

God, the Source of Good

In this stellar Divine discourse, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba explains the significance of Shivaratri, the consummate holy day of merger with the Divine. Shivaratri [night of Shiva] is a very auspicious day for

Was it Him?

My last trip to India was in 1997. And the only reason that I went was to warn a close friend (who was visiting Baba at the time) that she might have stage 4

The Grace of God

In His limitless love and compassion, Bhagavan Baba keeps on teaching us, guiding us and encouraging us all. Most of us understand His divine teachings in a correct way, because His language is a

Steps in Sadhana

Hinduism recognizes that there are several ways open for the sadhaka [spiritual aspirant] to progress spiritually. Baba says that in the modern age, the large majority of us can progress toward salvation through bhakti