Why be Healthy?

Bhagavan Baba, in this Divine discourse, emphasizes the efficacy of moderate food, simple hygienic habits, and repetition of God’s name as the royal road to robust mental and physical health—the pre-requisites needed to witness

Three Minutes Late…

Imagine a paradoxical situation wherein one gets caught up to decide between two odd ends. Many of us get into these kinds of situations often failing to handle the issue diplomatically. What would God

What Does God Seek From Us?

A Messiah’s Story This is probably one of my favorite stories. It is so full of intrigue and suspense in the beginning, yet so simple and profound in its ending. I have heard it

Tension is Good!

The other day, a friend of mine told me that he had requested that Baba relieve him of a position he held, since it had added considerably to his mental tension. He said that

Food for the Spiritual Aspirant

A Visitor: How does one get devotion to God? Sai: Confidence is necessary. Food is the start. The body is made from food. Without health, it is very hard to do anything. The stomach

As the Food, So the Thought

On this sacred day of Vijaya Dasami take an oath to give up vices such as smoking, drinking and partaking of non-vegetarian food. Many do not realize the evil-effects of these bad habits. If

Devotion is the Panacea

In this divine discourse on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, Bhagavan Baba reveals the secret to the presence of the Divine: devotee’s love has to flow as a pure selfless stream. God is without

Sai Krishna

It is said that when Lord Krishna as a boy, with His enchanting flute, was with the gopis on the banks of the Yamuna, soon the gopis felt that each one of them had

Part of the Task

“Death came with a dagger to kill Dada; but I struggled with him and brought him down. Now, Dada is safe.” “Death attempted to snatch Dada Saheb away; but I did not let him,”

Washing His Feet – A Divine Moment

Following is a narration of the experience of Rajen I Ghayal, Anchorperson and Coordinator, Sathya Sai International Organization (SSIO). He had been conducting various relief, recovery (rehabilitation), and transformation service projects for one and

The Cowherds of Gokula

Bhagavan Baba encourages devotees to consider the Lord as one’s own close family, and His work as one’s personal labor in this touching discourse delivered a half-a-century back on the holy Janmashtami day. It

Who are you?

Sai: Who are you? Who are you? Hislop: I am the accumulation of all my past, all my ideas. Sai: Who is that ‘My’? Who is that ‘My’? Who is that ‘My’ who is