S.S.E. Student Offerings to the Divine Mother 2015

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day.  For this occasion, our children submitted poems, drawings, and other creations for publication in Sai Sarathi. These following submissions on the theme of “mother”

Limits that Liberate

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke on Indian culture at the Summer Course held in Brindavan in 1974. The advice He gave to the students is applicable to one and all. This is a

Sri Sathya Sai: Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent

This incidence happened during Dassara in 1995, just after I completed my B.Sc. (Honors) course, in the Brindavan campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. All the boys of the Brindavan [in


Meditation is generally understood as the process of fixing one’s mind on an image that gradually absorbs and lends the mind its own qualities. When you fix your inner attention on any form of

The Lord of the Heart

When Baba sent word that I was to make some remarks at this great New Year’s gathering of Sathya Sai devotees, I thought that if I were to speak with all the truth that

The Path of Divine Love

I had the unique privilege and pleasure of witnessing and enjoying the musical play Radha bhakti [Radha’s devotion] that Baba wrote. It was performed by the children studying at the Vedashastru Pathashala [one of

Peace of Mind

Visitor: Swami’s gifts are beautiful, but what if one only wants peace of mind? Sai: Only thoughts of God and intense love for Him bring peace. As worldly thoughts diminish, thoughts of God increase.

Dharana (One-pointedness)

Whenever you look, you must only see God; ‘Tis folly to see anything else. When you walk, you must walk with God; ‘Tis foolish to take any other path. When you speak, speak only

The Rama Era

Sarva Jiva Dharma Shantham Sarva Nama Dharma Shivam Satchidhananda Rupam Advaitam Sathyam Sivam Sundaram One who is the support of all beings, the supreme peace; known by all names, the supreme good; the One

Our Nearest Kith And Kin

Following is a talk given by Dr. Bhagavantham in the Divine presence of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba during the Prasanthi Vidwanmahasabha, the archetype assembly of the learned in Prasanthi Nilayam. It is a

Dining with the Beloved

The gentle early springtime sun brought everything to life in the Anza‑Borrego desert scene in Southern California. Bright little flowers formed a carpet of color, as though awaiting the blue lotus feet of our

The Three Laws

There are three basic laws that moti­vate and guide man along the evolutionary path from the individual personality to the universal spirit, from selfishness to selflessness. (1) The law of karma [action] operates on