Sai Krishna

This is a story about Krishna. In a way, however, the story was not completed until November 1975. A number of years ago I was in Bhagavan’s car. He was in the rear seat with

 The Five-letter Mantra

In this powerful discourse, delivered on the auspicious Guru Poornima day nearly three decades back, our beloved Bhagavan Baba clarifies the way to the seat of the Divine—devotion coupled with good resolutions. Man is the

Faith in Swami

Hislop: This morning in the taxi from the airport, even the driver had a marvellous experience of Swami’s leelas [divine plays]. And, the Bombay airport officers told other miraculous stories about happenings in their

Attain Enlightenment by Renouncing Desires

In a recent discourse, Bhagavan Baba enlightened the devotees on the underlying unity of beings and creation during the festival of Buddha Poornima. All the names and forms are but the manifestations of the

Understanding Ego and its Problems

Every day, we are required to identify ourselves. If we travel quite frequently we are asked to produce some legal form of identification such as a passport. If we buy something, we usually hand

Love Breaks All Rules

There used to be this charming little fast-food restaurant on Washington Street in Hoboken. It was the only place I’d been in for quite some time (and since) that still served chocolate sodas from a fountain. So, I

Food for Thought

I had the great blessing of spending about 10 days in Swami’s presence in India in late February this year. Although I never had an interview, His answers came to me. Persistence and patience

Dwelling in the Divine

It is indeed audacious to attempt to write on spiritual matters, especially on Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. What can be written is at best the echo of the immortal message that I have

What is Antahkarana

Bhakta: Off and on everything is a puppet show, Swami. The mind forgets and is caught by the fascination of the objects. What is this my-stery, Swami? Swami: Well, the mind is associated with

S.S.E. Student Offerings to the Divine Mother 2014

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day. For this occasion, our children submitted poems, drawings, and other creations for publication in Sai Sarathi. These following submissions on the theme of “mother”

Live Up to Your Role

In this discourse to the service arm of His organization, Bhagavan Baba emphasizes seeing the Divine in the served as key to personal transformation. Divinity is present in everyone in an unmanifested form. All human

He Transcends Laws of Science

Dr. S. Bhagavantham was the Director of All India Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He additionally held the position of Scientific Advisor to the Ministry of Defence in New Delhi. The following story will speak for