The All-Conquering Faith of Prahlada

The following is an excerpt from a discourse given by Bhagavan Baba on May 25th 1995.  Prahlada [devotee of Vishnu] remained unshaken in his faith in Lord Narayana [primordial personality of the godhead] despite

Nearest Devotee

“That devotee of mine, who expecting nothing, is pure, dexterous, unconcerned, free from distress, and renounces all undertakings, is dear to Me” (Bhagavan began His discourse with this shloka [verse] from the twelfth canto

No Mirror, No Image

Bhagawan Baba delivers the essence of the holy Shivaratri [holy night dedicated to Shiva]—the individual’s ultimate exercise to identify with the Universal—in this divine discourse nearly 45 years ago.  When the word ‘lamp’ is

Angam and Lingam

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba extols the need for ardent spiritual discipline to secure God on the glorious Shivaratri [the holy day that celebrates Shiva] night in this divine discourse.  The glory of India reaches


We live in an era of turmoil when humanity is beset by everything that diverts it from God. Rank materialism asserts its deadly philosophy upon one and all. “Eat, drink, and be merry for

How to Practice Righteousness in Daily Life?

The word ‘dharma’ [right conduct/righteousness] is associated with so many connotations that a symposium was arranged in Madras [now Chennai] by Sri Ramakrishna Math in 1984, to discuss them. About twenty speakers took part in it!

The Body as the Boat

Today we are celebrating the ninth anniversary of our hospital. The Maharani of Kutch has already told you how the three humors and the three gunas [qualities] are responsible for the physical and mental

Secret of Liberation

Search for the consciousness—the state of consciousness, which is unaffected by gusts of passion, which is pure, which is free from egoism or the desire to possess. Then alone can you experience the light,

The Divine Voice

An aura is present in everyone as lust, anger and greed, and as fear and grief, all of which are contrary to the nature of man. Just as one needs a waterproof umbrella to

Rama’s Throne

“Remember that there is space for only one throne in your heart. You are inviting too many to occupy it or trying to make place for two thrones, one for Rama, and the other

Puttaparthi—From Corner to Centre

There are many sacred places all over the world which have become famous as the birthplace of a great Mahatma, a prophet, or the founder of a faith, or where the advent of the

In Our Inmost Heart

To write about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is like trying to make an attempt to describe the infinite, unfathomable ocean of Godhead. Who dares to reveal the mysteries hidden beyond the grasp and