Ask the Right Question

In a straight talk four decades back, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai emphasizes the need for authentic fervor, strict discipline, and one-pointed focus as key to gaining His grace. This is a twice‑blessed day, for it

The Sai Religion as I Experienced It

The truest test of a Godman, according to the scholar‑statesman Dr. K. M. Munshi, is the capacity to instill faith in human beings. By this yardstick alone, there is hardly anyone to compare with

Medical Camp for Recovering Addicts

The Sri Sathya Sai Center of Greater Baltimore conducted a medical camp in Park Heights, a neighborhood of Baltimore City, in October 2011. We organized this camp at the request of the I Can’t

Why is the Heart Dry?

Sai: The more the intensity, the greater the result. If you are digging a well, the deeper you dig, the higher will be the wall formed by the mud you bring out. The depth

Namasmarana Controls the Mind

Yashoda did not know where Balarama and Krishna were born. She brought them up as her own children. They were born in Mathura, but grew up in Gokulam. They grew in the womb of

It’s the Attitude, Not the Sun’s Course

The northward movement of the Sun starts on 14th January, and on this occasion Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the importance of perpetual spiritual effort rather than waiting for the movements of the Sun.

The New Reality

Mrs. Karuna Munshi is a graduate of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur, from where she earned her B.A. and M.A. (Philosophy). Currently she volunteers with Radio Sai in Prashanti Nilayam, India.

The Vast Unknown

I am an executive in an American business organization, and I have a doctoral degree from a major university. So I am the kind of materialistic, over-educated person who would be considered most likely to

God Is a Good-Hearted Friend

I first heard about Baba on an aircraft on my way back from England via Pakistan. An Englishman sitting next to me on the plane noticed that I was a vegetarian and a teetotaler. He

Impact of Karma

Q. What is moksha? A. Moksha is liberation from all that binds. That is to say it is the attainment of the ever-existing, ever-stable, ever-pure atma-tatwa [soul principle] and getting rid of the ever-changing,

Love is the True Form of God

Today marks the beginning yet another new year. Many new years have gone by but your old habits have not changed and life remains the same. The reason is that man is not making

Birthday Sparks

In this seminal discourse delivered 50 years back on His birthday, our dear Swami hands to us two keys to His heart: equanimity amidst life’s vicissitudes and total empathy with others’ joys and sorrows.