
Have you ever enjoyed the pleasure of deep silence? By silence I mean absolute stillness of the mind. Shastras [epics] say, “If one can completely stop the mind for a moment, he is saved

Divine Mischief

Bhagavan must have been in His early twenties when He decided to play with some young cricketers by manifesting His powers through the medium of a cricket ball. A Raja (king) from the erstwhile

Prakriti and Paramatma,

Bhakta: You used the word, adhyasa. What does it mean, Swami? Swami: What? You do not know the meaning of that! “Seeing one form and taking it to be another, superimposing one thing upon

Secret of Life

For man, health is the greatest wealth. From time immemorial, many countries have been delving in ways to preserve good health and disseminating the knowledge among all. In the absence of sound health, human

How to Realize the Divine Within

During the birthday festival celebrations in 1966, Sathya Sai Baba inaugurated a library in Andhra Pradesh [southern India] and in His discourse pointed out that reading, without getting the urge to improve one’s character,

Gifts of Grace

Who has not felt thrilled at the sight of the wave of Bhagavan’s hand creating instantaneously, vibhuti [holy ash], sweets of unique flavor and taste, nectar divine, fruits, lockets, photographs of Himself by His

Secure God’s Love

“Strive to understand well the nature of God’s love. To secure that love is the sacred goal of human life,” declared Bhagavan Baba in 1984 in a deeply moving address to the vast gathering

Serve Parents Serve God 

In this discourse given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Ladies day more than a decade ago, He emphatically urges his students and others to make their parents happy as therein lies the

Right Action Is Same in All Religions

There is not one dharma [right action] for Indians and another for Westerners. Dharma is universal. Yes, there is a test that may be applied to any action and you may thereby determine if

Baba’s Dasara Discourses

Sathya Sai Baba’s Dasara [the festival celebrated on the occasion of Navaratri (nine nights), which commemorates the triumph of good over evil] discourses in 1964 undoubtedly struck a fresh note, revealing a new tone

Swami’s Walking Miracle

Rosa Raveneau met Sai Baba in 1969, and has been an ardent devotee ever since. In this article she writes about the health crisis that she survived with Baba’s grace and her steadfast devotion.

Pilgrimage to Sai in Haiti (Part 2)

Following is part 2 of Rajen Ghayal’s reflections on his trip to Haiti with the Sai Medical Camp. In Port Au Prince, former president of the Sai Center, brother Rony Joseph’s house did not