God in Human Form

God is formless and with form, too; He transcends both form and formlessness. God with form is visible, we can touch Him and feel Him and be aware of His presence. Such is Bhagavan


The late Sri Ratan Lal, a devotee of Bhagavan Baba, used to speak to the foreigners who came to Puttaparthi for Baba’s darshans. The following essay has been excerpted from those talks. That which exists

Elimination of the Mind

In Bhagavan Baba’s teachings we often encounter expressions like “elimination of the mind,” “conquest of the mind,” etc. But what does it mean? It is difficult to understand, and to a Westerner it sounds

Baba’s Feet

“I shall certainly come to your house.” “Mention the exact date, Swami! Why is it that You do not give the date? You simply promise to come, some time or another. For more than


Q. Is there any mantra or japa that will give us this shanti state that you spoke about just now? If there is any, which is the important one? A. Mantra and japa are

Games the Mind Plays

Life sustained by food is short; life sustained by the atman (Divine Spirit) is eternal. Do not lay claim to long life, but to divine life. Do not pine for more years on earth,

More Potent Than Portents

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in His discourse on Yugadi day in 1990, said that to manifest his humanness man must practice purity in thought, word, and deed. He also urges us to make proper

Advice i Discarded

“Go slowly on Sai Baba, because people here are very Catholic,” I was advised, upon arriving in Mexico City after an absence of eight years to conduct a Sai Baba Seminar. Luckily i didn’t

Sanathana Sarathi

In Dharmakshetra… Kurukshetra Arjuna had a Sarathi! He was such a master Sarathi That He won the war for him! He held the reins of all the horses He helped his arrows to find

Rama, the Indweller

In the following discourse delivered almost two decades back, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba elaborates on the inner meaning of the Ramayana, and the need to comprehend Rama as the dweller within us, showering eternal

Rama Embodies Dharma

Q: Swami! Is it right on the part of Rama to kill Tataka, a woman? Bhagavan: Rama embodies dharma [righteousness]. Along with Lakshmana, He went to the forest led by Vishvamitra only to destroy

Body Performs & Mind Distinguishes

The body performs actions; the mind distinguishes between right and wrong. The atma [individual soul] functions as the witness. Although these three appear to differ from each other, they are interrelated; it is only