How Do We See Our Divinity

Hislop: Eyes see body. How does one see God Himself? Sai: In order to see the moon, does one need a torch? It is by the light of the moon that one sees the

Take Me as the Ultimate Goal

The contemplation of the Godhead as ‘above and beyond all attributes’ is necessary for the attainment of jivanmukti (attainment of liberation while in the body). If that is difficult and beyond your capacity, you

Who is Sai?

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s reality is difficult to comprehend, and yet we really want to understand it. On June 19, 1974, He allowed us a glimpse into this reality. God is inscrutable. He

A Mighty Fortress of God

I was woken by the bright red bird fluttering in the emerald cage of jasmine branches and tapping urgently on my window-pane. Peeking through the partially open Venetian blinds, I could see my excited friend

Art From the Heart

Sri C. G. Sai Prakash is a member of the staff at the Sri Sathya Sai Digital Studio  in Prasanthi Nilayam. He started at the Sri Sathya Sai Primary School and completed his education

In Ringing Tones

On Christmas day, I left home on an evening stroll toward the newly constructed Sathyanarayanaswamy temple, on the outskirts of my village, with the December ‘Sanathana Sarathi’ and ‘Pradeepa’ [magazines] as my companions. The

Baba’s Voice

What an enchanting, wonderful voice Sai Baba has! It is indeed the voice of God, one that speaks directly to the soul, inspires and is imbued with joy, peace, strength, purity, love, and power.

Christmas and the Avatar

In 1985 on Christmas Day in Brindavan, Bhagavan Baba asked Mr. Al Drucker of the United States to speak to the people assembled there. Drucker narrated how he had asked Swami if He was

Who is a Sai Devotee?

Following is an extraordinary letter Bhagavan Baba wrote to a devotee wherein Swami enumerates the qualities one should cultivate to become His devotee. We should regard these words as our life breath. Moksha [liberation] is


Heart must understand heart; heart must be drawn to heart, if friendship must last. Friendship must bind two hearts and affect both of them beneficially, whatever may happen to loss or gain, pain or


Sri V. C. Kondappa in his Telugu book, Sree Sayeesuni Charitram, notes that Sri N. Kasturi has given in Sathyam Sivam Sundaram a few important details of the early life of the Baba of

His Grace

Puttaparthi…Prasanthi Nilayam… Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba … I had heard about them and I had read about them. Yet I had not seen them and I never knew I could see them, so