About Food

A Visitor: How does one get devotion to God? Sai: Confidence is necessary. Food is the start. The body is made from food. Without health, it is very hard to do anything. The stomach

Repeat the Name

There is one cause of all your sorrows as well as your joy and happiness. That is your mind. Many people have an adverse view of the mind; they call it monkey mind. But

Selfless Service as Spiritual Discipline

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says that although we are engaged in some form of seva, we feel frustrated with the results. But if we serve with unselfish love based on truth, righteousness, and

Seva—the First Step

I spent a certain amount of time reading through a book of poetry entitled, ‘The Mystic in Love’ in search of an appropriate poem with which to begin. At first sight, the poem I chose

No More Fires!

My husband and I were returning from Tijuana, a town on the Mexican border, 42 miles away from Tecate, when we saw big clouds of smoke in the distance. Alfonso, our headman, who was

Use His Gifts for Serving Him

Kumari Rama Devi is an old student of Sri Sathya Sai Women’s College, Anantapur. In spite of being blind from birth, she pursued her studies with self‑confidence and great enthusiasm. She considers that the grace and

Happiness and Misery

To be happy, we have to place our faith in enduring and permanent things. But while all conceived objects are evasive and deceptive, the subject, which conceives and perceives, is alone ever lasting and

The Handkerchief

Having had the privilege of living at Prasanthi Nilayam for 14 months, I carefully observed one particular phenomenon associated with out sweet Lord, Sri Sathya Sai Baba. My observation became focused on Swami’s use


Hislop: What does surrender to the Lord mean in such common things as shaving, going to the market, walking, and so on? Sai: Surrendering to the Lord is surrendering all thoughts and actions, not

Integeral or Sacred Vision

Whoever is fully awake and has developed his powers of discrimination will not suffer from sorrow nor be subject to fear. Only a person who has attachment to the body and attachment to objects

Oneness Essential

Today is an auspicious day, for the New Year is welcomed with great expectation and the old year is given a grand farewell. This ritual has occurred since the history of man began. But

The Higher Path

“Uttarayana” is the time when the sun starts its northward journey, and it is a very auspicious time of the year.  The word Uttarayana has a physical as well as spiritual meaning. For you,