Having had the privilege of living at Prasanthi Nilayam for 14 months, I carefully observed one particular phenomenon associated with out sweet Lord, Sri Sathya Sai Baba. My observation became focused on Swami’s use
Devotee Stories
February 1, 2008
Hislop: What does surrender to the Lord mean in such common things as shaving, going to the market, walking, and so on? Sai: Surrendering to the Lord is surrendering all thoughts and actions, not
Whoever is fully awake and has developed his powers of discrimination will not suffer from sorrow nor be subject to fear. Only a person who has attachment to the body and attachment to objects
Today is an auspicious day, for the New Year is welcomed with great expectation and the old year is given a grand farewell. This ritual has occurred since the history of man began. But
Divine Discourses
January 10, 2008
“Uttarayana” is the time when the sun starts its northward journey, and it is a very auspicious time of the year. The word Uttarayana has a physical as well as spiritual meaning. For you,
Divine Discourses
January 10, 2008
Amidst the melodious vesper bells in the darkness of an October night, hundreds of earnest throats were sending their appeal of reverence and devotion in the form of hymns of praise to the Almighty.
Devotee Stories
January 10, 2008
Sonya Ki has just returned from a very long and enjoyable trip with Baba. This is what she penned down before leaving Parthi. Monsoon tears flash flood the temple tiles desperately I clasp the
I have been to India many times since 1977, and invariably people ask, “How was the Taj Mahal?” My answer is always the same, “I have never been there.” “So, where have you been?” they
Devotee Stories
January 1, 2008
Do you remember when you chose? The time when you chose this life The day you chose these lessons The moment you chose your parents The second you chose to be You Why do
Diamond cuts diamond. Thorn removes thorn. Karma cures karma. Karma, derided as causing the dualities of grief-joy, pain-pleasure, birth—-death, also brings about liberation from the chain of duality. Karma causes both bondage and liberation.
John Hislop: Swami, conflict between people appears to be inevitable. What to do? SAI: Conflicts do come about, but they should be limited to that point, to the fact of conflict and should not
This New Year day is an opportunity to contemplate on the vastness of time, of its speed, of the short span of time that we share and which has to be put to the
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