My First Experience

Amidst the melodious vesper bells in the darkness of an October night, hundreds of earnest throats were sending their appeal of reverence and devotion in the form of hymns of praise to the Almighty.

Sai Never Can Say Goodbye

Sonya Ki has just returned from a very long and enjoyable trip with Baba. This is what she penned down before leaving Parthi. Monsoon tears flash flood the temple tiles desperately I clasp the

Love Conquers All

I have been to India many times since 1977, and invariably people ask, “How was the Taj Mahal?” My answer is always the same, “I have never been there.” “So, where have you been?” they

The Question and the Answer

Do you remember when you chose? The time when you chose this life The day you chose these lessons The moment you chose your parents The second you chose to be You Why do

Namasmarana—the Panacea

Diamond cuts diamond. Thorn removes thorn. Karma cures karma. Karma, derided as causing the dualities of grief-joy, pain-pleasure, birth—-death, also brings about liberation from the chain of duality. Karma causes both bondage and liberation.

Thoughts and Desires

John Hislop: Swami, conflict between people appears to be inevitable. What to do? SAI: Conflicts do come about, but they should be limited to that point, to the fact of conflict and should not

Sanctify Every Moment

This New Year day is an opportunity to contemplate on the vastness of time, of its speed, of the short span of time that we share and which has to be put to the

Birthday Message

In the infinite stream of time, as night and day, summer and winter, roll endlessly on, humans are carried mercilessly by this flood. The term of living beings diminishes with every [passing] day. While


Jesus’ life and example show us the qualities we must develop in order to have a fruitful spiritual life.  We can all be messengers of God by developing love, service and compassion.  Christmas brings

The Four-Faced Divine

Balasaheb Bharade, a devotee of Baba, said it was a difficult task to speak about Baba, but he was reminded of the sage who once made a buffalo recite the Vedas! Similarly, Baba would

Four Steps

Dr John Hislop was very devoted to Bhagavan Baba. Following is a text of his speech to the gathering on Baba’s birthday in 1973  Beloved Lord Sri Sathya Sai and my brothers and sisters in

Many Mansions

A few hours from now, it will be Christmas when people worldwide will celebrate the birth of [Jesus] Christ. Indeed, it will be celebrated with great pomp and ceremony, in contrast to the actual circumstances