What Bhagavan Means to Them

Bhagavan has often referred to the students of the Sai educational institutions as His only wealth. In a discourse in Prasanthi Mandir, Bhagavan told the students that He was devoting three-fourths of His time

Power of the Lord’s Name

In the course of His discourse in the Mandir on June 22nd 1989, Bhagavan explained the purifying and redeeming power of the Lord’s name when it is recited in a spirit of total surrender


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in his previous incarnation as Lord Krishna, preached the way of prapati [what you are destined to get] and namasmarana (remembering the name of God) in the Bhagavad-Gita [an

Sai Geetha—Anjali

I wake to the gong; I echo the Om! I am the lucky elephant babe That came on wheels to this heavenly place! I bathe; I pray; I go the sacred round; I bow

Letters to the Boys

Dear Boys, Let every human being remake himself. Let us understand that we live not for money making, not for fulfilling our wants, not for scholarly and intellectual pursuits, but for spiritual development. Effects

Oh Baba!

O Baba! let my anger die; O Baba! let my soul ever lie; High above the mundane level So that it may all in bliss revel. Baba! my anger is my bitterest enemy; He

The Company You Keep

Question: Swami, today Sai devotees are spread all over the world. They range from heads of governments to ordinary citizens. As your devotees, they enjoy special respect and esteem in society. What is the

Our Easwaramma

The Mother of Sai Easwara Sri Subba Raju, a deeply spiritual man, was blessed with a daughter. He brought her up with great love and taught her to be decent and gracious. As divinely

Tell Me About Sai Baba

A child’s introduction to the Lord: to be read to, or read by the young child From time to time, in the life of the world, Lord God Himself is born in a body

Our `Mother’ at Kodaikanal

I asked Swami at darshan, “May I travel south with You?” The answer rang in my ears for days. “Yes, sir!” So, on the morning of May 29, we boarded an Indian Airlines 737

Equality of Men and Women

Question: Swami, when we say ‘men and women are equal’, then why do we find differences and discrimination between the two sexes? Bhagavan: Physically men and women are different. But spiritually, i.e., from the

The Mind

There are three states relating to the mind; shoonyatwa (emptiness), anekagrata (simultaneous pulls of multiple thoughts) and ekagrata (one-pointedness). These three states are referable to and arise from the three gunas (qualities) in man.