Out of the Mouth of Babes

As Anjali lay in bed, she thought about Swami’s birthday which was coming soon. She wondered what would be the nicest gift to give Him, after all He held the entire world in His

What Bhagavan Means to Them

Bhagavan has often referred to the students of the Sai educational insti­tutions as His only wealth. In a recent discourse in Prasanthi Mandir, Bhagavan told the students that He was devoting three‑fourths of His

How the Lord Transforms

Two and half years have passed since Bhagavan Baba’s guidance re­solved what was to me a serious moral dilemma. The growing number of hun­gry and homeless people begging on the streets of New York

The Unbelievable

Rita Bruce has been devoted to Bhagavan Baba for a number of years. Presently she is very actively involved in Swami’s educational programs. Sathya Sai Baba tells us that if we sur­render to the

Develop Compassion

Whatever service you are rendering you should not feel that you are serving others, but that you are serving God Himself. While taking bath or giving one to the children, consider that you are


Swami has said that Jesus announced himself as a messenger of God. He spent many years in austerities so that he could shower compassion and love on all humanity. Later, Jesus asked himself, “Am

The Lord

Ten years ago I stood face to face with the Lord. I feel as if it is just today, just now; I see so clearly that Divine form standing before me—frail, graceful, gentle, yet

Food and Health

The following article is excerpted from a discourse by Bhagavan Baba given to His devotees on the Hospital Day celebrations in September 1979. Every activity of man is dependent on the energy he derives

The Inner Melody

In the following advisory that appeared in Sanathana Sarathi [newsletter from Prasanthi Nilayam], Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba encourages devotees to actively participate in bhajans [devotional singing]. By the same token, He categorically cautions

How to Use the Avatar

The way in which the Avatar has to be used for one’s liberation and uplift is: watch His every step, observe His actions and activities, follow the guiding principles of which His life is

Unity and Purity: Message of Ramzan

Bhagavan says that the truth proclaimed by all religions is one and the same. The ultimate goal of all religions is the same—to cure man of his follies and make him a real human being.

The Glory of Bala Sai

Published four decades ago, this article from one of Bhagavan Baba’s teachers gives us a snapshot of His Divinity in the early years of the Advent. These episodes underscore His protective grace on those who surrender