Question: Swami, in Your organization or Your institutions, workers, students, teachers, devotees, and doctors always dress in white. Why? Bhagavan: White symbolizes purity and cleanliness. A pure white cloth may be compared to a
Modern parents want their children to pursue only job-oriented education. But what is the use of that education which does not bring about transformation in children? Neither are the children themselves benefited by this
The path to God lies within—in overcoming animalistic tendencies and in understanding the oneness of the universal and individual self and nature. In this discourse delivered on the holy day dedicated to the worship of
January 8, 1976 My dear Boys, Accept my love, really, there is no comparison to gopis’ love. Their love stands alone, above every other kind of devotion. When Krishna left Brindavan and went to
Bhagavan Baba says that mellifluous devotion or madhura bhakti is the final stage in the experience of merging in God. He says this love is without any blemish and the being is completely dedicated
Baba has a way of being so close to us, so completely with us, yet the next moment being so far away. Who could know where to look for Him, much less reach Him?
In this discourse on Ganesha Chaturathi, Swami tells us how the Mahabharata was written by Ganesha and dictated by Vyasa. The sacred occasion is on August 27th this year. The world has many exemplary
What are the main causes of ill health? Millions of living beings grouped as species dwell on the earth; they sustain themselves by means of food secured from nature, as provided by nature. It
Swami says any human being who has compassion for others, who adheres to the Truth, and who dedicates his body to the good of others will experience no serious trouble. The primary reason is
Speaking to a close group of students and long time devotees at His residence in Whitefield, Bhagavan Baba expounded on the five key virtues of non-violence, truth, purity, compassion, and faith that are critical
The following episode exemplifies how Baba often showers his all-encompassing love on those who go to see Him. A group of some 60 American women—educators, anthropologists, and other professionals studying with the eminent American scholar
The following story by Professor Kasturi, one of Swami’s closest devotees, sheds light on Bhagavan’s unfathomable magnificence. Baba uses the media of His devotees’ dreams to give them darshan [sight of a holy person]. Through
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