Story of an Ant

An ant clutched half a grain of rice in its jaws and was running along the first enclosure to the mandir in Prasanthi Nilayam. “I want to offer it to the Lord,” she had

From Darkness to Light

The journey from birth to death is a game that has to be played with skill. From time to time, prophets and messengers from God have appeared among different peoples to teach them the

Significance of White Dress

Question: Swami, in your organization or your institutions, workers, students, teachers, devotees, and doctors always dress in white. Why? Bhagavan: White symbolizes purity and cleanliness. A pure white cloth may be compared to a

God Knocks, Asks, and Gives

Onam, the name given to the festival that is celebrated with great joy by Keralites [people from the Indian state of Kerala], is derived from the Sanskrit words sravanam [listening to the glory of

Part of the Task

Scribed five decades back by a devotee uniquely blessed to be with both Shirdi Baba and Sathya Sai, the article captures the expression of the Divine’s ultimate love for His flock. In both incarnations, Baba repeatedly

Follow His Footprints

In the following discourse Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba explains various concepts from two perspectives: the earthly (external) one and the divine (inner) one.  Sastry [a learned devotee who had spoken before Swami’s discourse] described

Hard Nuts to Crack

As compared with the previous three yugas (ages), the people of the current Kaliyuga (literally, the age of wickedness) are more difficult to impress. They have strayed too far from the divine path; even

Light in Darkness

Light meditation is a meditation technique that helps you connect with your inner spirit—your essence or core self. It uses the light that is already within you as an object of focus. It’s a fairly

Sai & His Devotees

Question: Swami, in Your organization or Your institutions, workers, students, teachers, devotees, and doctors always dress in white. Why? Bhagavan: White symbolizes purity and cleanliness. A pure white cloth may be compared to a

Education Without Character

Modern parents want their children to pursue only job-oriented education. But what is the use of that education which does not bring about transformation in children? Neither are the children themselves benefited by this

The Sadguru Speaks

The path to God lies within—in overcoming animalistic tendencies and in understanding the oneness of the universal and individual self and nature. In this discourse delivered on the holy day dedicated to the worship of

The Gopis’ Pure Love

January 8, 1976 My dear Boys, Accept my love, really, there is no comparison to gopis’ love. Their love stands alone, above every other kind of devotion. When Krishna left Brindavan and went to