Monthly Archive: March 2022

What are the Three Types of Transformation?

Human life is full of many secrets and mysteries. It is full of many powers. It is full of attraction. Man is a powerful magnet. He is a powerful electric generator. There are three

Understanding the Relationship between Man and God

Many imagine God to appear before them in response to Yagnas and Yagas [Vedic rituals] that they perform. All these are illusions. It is just imagination. What ultimately manifests before you directly is the

Some Experiences with Divinity

I could not believe that He was what He claimed to be. It was the 22nd day of October, 1983. I was sitting in the darshan line. The day was bright and sunny. A

Baba is the Breath of My Life

The world is a big theatre where the sky is the roof of lights Big and small. The Earth is carpeted green dotted with colors And all the lives in the sea, in the

Sri Sathya Sai: The Omniscient One

Denny George Melkey was a student from 2002-2009 at Swami’s University. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning Someone once said, “The


Hislop: Once one has tasted sugar, one never mistakes salt for sugar. If that bliss of which Swami speaks is our real nature, how is it that we confuse the unreal for the real?

Be Unaffected

In a normal baby, there exists real samachittha, for there is no desire (except the instinctive desire for food, drink, and maternal protection), to agitate it. The baby is the inheritor of immortality; so