Monthly Archive: November 2022

Inherit Sai Wealth: Love
The following discourse by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba was given on His birthday in1986. In it He declared that man has forgotten his true divine nature and is immersed in the vain pursuit
Divine Discourses
November 1, 2022

“Baba, the Gardener”
There is a wise gardener: Hair of early morning spider’s webs. Skin of rainbow dewdrops. Hands of sun‑kissed butterfly wings. Eyes of newborn suns. Limbs of love, Nose of rose. Heart of the singing

When Women are Honored
Following is the discourse By Bhagavan Baba on First Ladies Day on November 19, 1995 in the Poornachandra Auditorium. He encouraged the ladies to change themselves and help to change the men and the
Divine Discourses
November 1, 2022

Journey Into Light
Sai Adithya is an alumnus of Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School in Prasanthi Nilayam. In the following article he shares the miraculous experiences that he and his family had with Bhagavan Baba. Swami
Student Stories
November 1, 2022

Baba & His Omnipresence
Hislop: One regards himself as a son of Swami. Swami is as the mother and we confide in Him directly, if possible, but if not then by prayer and by writing to him. Sai:
Q & A with Bhagavan
November 1, 2022

Your Relationship with God
What is the meaning of satsang (good company)? Sath is the name of Divinity. It is changeless in all the periods of time. It is eternal and is present in you. You have to
Thought of the Month
November 1, 2022
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