Devotee Stories Archive

Temple Entry

This is a story about the mystery and miracle of Bhagavan. I am an American attending the University of Madras [Chennai]. Some days ago, a classmate and myself went to the Kapaleesvara Temple here

Vision of the Lord

Toward the end of last February, one afternoon I was rolling papads [savory snacks] in my house, when a letter came from Sri Vineethji who was at Bangalore. I did not open it then

My Experiences of the Omnipresence of Sri Sathya Sai

Mr. Victor Kanu, J.P., M.A. (Oxfordshire) is former High Commissioner of Sierra Leone, Africa, to Great Britain, with further accreditations to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Being an avowed spiritual seeker, he became the first

Turn Him Over to Me

The Cowans “Why can’t we know God? If we must have Self‑realization, why don’t we?” wailed the Cowans—Walter and Elsie. “We followed one belief after another; each step gave some little wisdom, but no

From Death’s Cold Hold

Whatever science sets its seal upon is believed as truth and the rest is discarded as false by the educated, that is the situation today. When a man of science cannot explain or accept

Continuing the Journey from Me to Myself 

An IPS (Indian Police Service) officer of the 1996 batch, Ms. Charu Sinha served in different capacities in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Later, she also went on deputation to the U.N. Peace Keeping

An Amazing Personal Transformation… From Me to ‘Myself’ 

An IPS (Indian Police Service) officer of the 1996 batch, Ms. Charu Sinha served in different capacities in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Later, she also went on deputation to the U.N. Peace Keeping

Swami’s Continuous Divine Grace  

I had the grace of Bhagavan’s darshan [sighting of a holy man] three times in India in 1990, 1994, and 2010.  Yet when Covid hit in 2020, I slipped into a deep depression, and

A Letter from Liverpool

I arrived in London on Thursday, 12th Septem­ber [1963], and found I could not get admission in any college for the course in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. I went to Glasgow but there, too,

Loving Care

I would like to share an experience that seems to point out a very important message. On Wednesday, July 14th I awakened re­membering the tail‑end of a very vivid dream in which I found

Oh, Ye of Little Faith!

A friend with whom I work has listened to my endless tales of Sai Baba’s miracles and power with doubt and teasing. But he did not ever scoff or deny His grace and even

Baba and the Bees

The other day here in Prasanthi Nilayam I was listening to a story about Baba being told by Mr. Kasturi to a group of us Westerners. The story related to a cat who called