Devotee Stories Archive

The Unbelievable

Rita Bruce has been devoted to Bhagavan Baba for a number of years. Presently she is very actively involved in Swami’s educational programs. Sathya Sai Baba tells us that if we sur­render to the

The Lord

Ten years ago I stood face to face with the Lord. I feel as if it is just today, just now; I see so clearly that Divine form standing before me—frail, graceful, gentle, yet

The Glory of Bala Sai

Published four decades ago, this article from one of Bhagavan Baba’s teachers gives us a snapshot of His Divinity in the early years of the Advent. These episodes underscore His protective grace on those who surrender

Part of the Task

Scribed five decades back by a devotee uniquely blessed to be with both Shirdi Baba and Sathya Sai, the article captures the expression of the Divine’s ultimate love for His flock. In both incarnations, Baba repeatedly

Light in Darkness

Light meditation is a meditation technique that helps you connect with your inner spirit—your essence or core self. It uses the light that is already within you as an object of focus. It’s a fairly

Son and Father

Baba has a way of being so close to us, so completely with us, yet the next moment being so far away. Who could know where to look for Him, much less reach Him?

Spiritual Pancha Sheela

Speaking to a close group of students and long time devotees at His residence in Whitefield, Bhagavan Baba expounded on the five key virtues of non-violence, truth, purity, compassion, and faith that are critical

Instant Alchemy

The following episode exemplifies how Baba often showers his all-encompassing love on those who go to see Him. A group of some 60 American women—educators, anthropologists, and other professionals studying with the eminent American scholar

He Called Me! 

The following story by Professor Kasturi, one of Swami’s closest devotees, sheds light on Bhagavan’s unfathomable magnificence. Baba uses the media of  His devotees’ dreams to give them darshan [sight of a holy person]. Through

An Evening on the Sands

It was nine years ago on a quiet November day that I had the first thrill of the “Evening on the Sands.” I had reached Puttaparthi [a village in Andhra Pradesh, South India] that

The Prayer and the Response

The following episode in a devotee’s life is reminiscent of the experience of countless recipients of Baba’s grace. His grace comes unexpectedly and when it is most needed.  I realized the power of prayer while

The Mother

The author reminds us of the role of Sai as the mother in our lives. She pleads with us to recognize the compassion of Mother Sai, which surpasses the love of physical mothers. Although she uses