Devotee Stories Archive

The Call

At 10:30 A.M. on the 12th of May 1988, I was an atheist. Two hours later I knew that there was God. How this all came about and how I became a devotee of

Leadership—A By-Product of Spirituality

It was the eve of the opening of a super-specialty hospital, a unique institution providing free major surgery of all internal organs. This hospital of gigantic size, beautiful architectural design, and state-of-the-art equipment from

Who is He and Who Am I?

Having seen people bowing and touching Swami’s feet, I thought this custom of respect was one that I should follow. So, I went to do the same. Swami asked, “What are you doing?” I

Grace is Always There

My first darshan [being in the company of a holy person] of Swami was in May 1990 at Whitefield during my first and only visit to the Divine presence. At home, in Melbourne, I

Baba Provides

Recently, Swami gave me an opportunity to coordinate a project on EHV (Education in Human Values). We were trying to link students from my school in Washington Heights where I teach, with students from

In Gratitude to the Lord and His Instruments

A Letter to All Sisters and Brothers August 13, 1994: This merited the second anniversary of my kidney transplant, a time to remember and thank my Sai Center members and other fellow devotees who

In the Arms of God

Just before I left for India in January this year, Linda, a reporter in my office, told me that her niece, a charming young girl of 16, had died suddenly in December of an

The Avatar and the Architect

One day, I was quietly sitting in my office at the Royal College of Art, trying to get on with my business. My secretary said that there was a man who wanted to come

Emerging Victorious

I thought that she would live forever, or, at least, as long as I did. As a child, I used to nag her, pester her and play with her—my older sister. ‘When I was

Swami Takes the Cake

“Unity in Diversity in action.” During the first meeting of the Mid-Atlantic region to organize Swami’s birthday celebration in New York City on November 20, someone suggested that we have a birthday cake for

Miracle on 76th Street

The day was fast approaching—November 20—Swami’s birthday celebration in New York. Among the many big things to take care of was this small one about making the entrance look beautiful and emanate an aura