Divine Discourses Archive

Inner Significance of the Navaratri Festival

The inner meaning of the Navaratri [nine-night] festival was explained by Bhagavan Baba in His discourse in the Prasanthi mandir [temple]on September 27. Navaratri means nine nights. Darkness is associated with night. What is this

The Four Brothers

In the following discourse, Bhagavan Baba has compared Rama and His brothers to the four Vedas—an interesting analogy. He has also spoken about the importance of the Rama mantra. Rama is a name that

Sai Krishna Speaks

In 1974, on Krishna Ashtami [His birthday], Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba compared love to an insurance policy. He said, “Pay the premium regularly as per the rules and you can claim the ‘amount’ and

The Moon in the Inner Sky

Following is an excerpt from a discourse by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s in which He asks His devotees to stick to one name and form and not waver between various forms. He asks us to

Your Image in His Eye

In 1973 Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba visited a remand home in Hyderabad in South India. He spoke to the inmates and advised them to not be disheartened and to follow the path that He

Power of the Lord’s Name

In the course of His discourse in the Mandir on June 22nd 1989, Bhagavan explained the purifying and redeeming power of the Lord’s name when it is recited in a spirit of total surrender

Our Easwaramma

The Mother of Sai Easwara Sri Subba Raju, a deeply spiritual man, was blessed with a daughter. He brought her up with great love and taught her to be decent and gracious. As divinely

Signs and Wonders

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in a discourse on December 1976, said that His manifestations were not to deceive and mislead the people but to attract, reconstruct, transform, and make them useful and serviceable for society.

The Four Brothers

In the following excerpt of a discourse by Sathya Sai Baba on Ramanavami in 1980, Bhagavan compares the four brothers of the epic Ramayana to the four Vedas and to the four purusharthas (the

Power of the Lord’s Name

In the course of His discourse in the Mandir on June 22nd, Bhagavan explained the purifying and redeeming power of the Lord’s name when it is recited in a spirit of total surrender to the

The Unseen Cause

Following is an excerpt from a message sent by Bhagavan Baba on the inauguration of Prasanthi Vidwanmahasabha. You, who are in reality atmaswarupa [embodiment of the self], here is My blessing to every one of

The Voice of Shiva

The following discourse was given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Mahashivaratri day in 1974 just before the emergence of the lingam. He has explained in His own inimitable way the significance of