Thought of the Month Archive

Christmas Message

For people born with a mission, the days on which they take up the physical body should not alone be identified as their birthdays. Such days are birthdays only for the physical body. In

Silence Promotes Divine Strength

One of the first principles of straight living is the practice of silence. For the voice of God can be heard in the region of your heart only when the tongue is stilled and

Desire and Cry for God

Akbar was happy whenever Tansen, his court musician, sang. Tansen was the greatest musician of his day. When he sang the raag [melody] “Meghamala,” clouds thickened in the sky; when he sang the raag


The devotee is ever conscious that the universe is a manifestation of the Divine and is permeated by the Divine. His life is based on the recognition of the immanence of God in everything.

Youth are the Future of the World

Since the sense organs are highly potent, the first and foremost task for man is to bring them under his control for leading an ideal life. Because young people today have lost control over

Always Be Aware of the Highest Truth

The sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) should always seek the truthful and joyful; he must avoid all thoughts of the sad and the depressing. Depression, doubt, conceit—these are harmful to the spiritual aspirant. When his devotion

Those Who Exalt Will Be Humbled

When Jesus noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable. “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at the place of

Precious Human Birth

Human birth is some sort of a special opportunity to get free from birth and death. Only on earth may an escape from birth and death take place. In no other plane or region

Human Life

Human birth is some sort of a special opportunity to get free from birth and death. Only on earth may an escape from birth and death take place. In no other plane or region

Watch the Company We Keep

The easiest and most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust is satsang (holy company). The company of the good and the godly will slowly and surely chasten and cleanse the

Mind and the Senses

The senses are induced by the mind to move out and attach themselves to objects. Man must make the mind submit to viveka or intelligence which discriminates, and then, the mind will help instead

Be Steady in Spiritual Practice

Life is like a flight of steps towards the Godhead. You have your foot on the first step when you are born; each day is a step that must be climbed; so be steady,