Thought of the Month Archive

Innate Nature & Desire

What is the innate nature of man and what is his deepest desire? Here is what Swami says. “It is part of human nature that man desires to reach the presence of the Almighty,

Swami, Who Am I?

What is the innate nature of man and what is his deepest desire? Here is what Swami says. “It is part of human nature that man desires to reach the presence of the Almighty,


Fearlessness results from understanding who we are. Here is what Swami says. “When you have steady faith and an integral vision, and when you constantly think of the indwelling divinity, you will not become

Fill Your Hearts With Love

Every Avatar comes for the purpose of spreading the message of love. Here’s what Swami says. “When you fill your hearts with love, you will have no ill-will toward anyone. Cultivate the faith that

The Role of the Guru

The true guru uplifts the disciple and puts him on the path of spiritual practice that destroys delusion. The disciple too has certain responsibilities. Here is what Swami says. “Who then is the genuine

Know Our True Reality

With all the material comforts we have we are still not satisfied. Our innate nature longs for the source of all happiness–knowing our true reality. Know this and strive for it. Here ‘s what

What is Ignorance

In the Bhagavad Gita, when Arjuna refuses to fight against the Kauravas, claiming that they are his kinsmen and he would rather die than kill his own people, Krishna accuses him of suffering from

What is the Significance of Karma

If all is God’s will, why do we need to make any effort at all and what then is the significance of karma? Here’s what Swami says: When the world is ruled by God,

How to Align With His Will

The individual will, when aligned with divine will has no limitation and becomes all-powerful. How can we do this? Here ’s what Swami says. “Where there is a will, there is a way,’ is

The Year of Non-Violence

Swami has declared the year 1999 to be the year of non-violence. What is non-violence? Here’s what Swami says. “We generally think that non-violence means not causing harm to some living being. Ahimsa is

Who Am I

I am not the body, not the mind and not the intellect, then who am I? Here is what Baba says, in two letters reproduced in My Baba and I by Dr. John S.


“Love is a flower; lust is a thorn. Prema (love) can be truly called prema only when it recognizes divinity and only when it realizes that we should love the divine. That kind of