Thought of the Month Archive

Those Who Exalt Will Be Humbled

When Jesus noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable. “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at the place of

Precious Human Birth

Human birth is some sort of a special opportunity to get free from birth and death. Only on earth may an escape from birth and death take place. In no other plane or region

Watch the Company We Keep

The easiest and most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust is satsang (holy company). The company of the good and the godly will slowly and surely chasten and cleanse the

Mind and the Senses

The senses are induced by the mind to move out and attach themselves to objects. Man must make the mind submit to viveka or intelligence which discriminates, and then, the mind will help instead

Be Steady in Spiritual Practice

Life is like a flight of steps towards the Godhead. You have your foot on the first step when you are born; each day is a step that must be climbed; so be steady,

Strive for Contentment

The Bhagavad-Gita taught, if you want to enter the kingdom of liberation and gain moksha, you should acquire the 26 noble virtues. But even if you have just one, you will be qualified to

Baba on Sorrow

Thamaso maa jyothirgamaya” (lead me from darkness to light—is an Upanishadic prayer)This means that where there is  darkness light is needed. What is this darkness? Sorrow is one form of darkness. Peacelessness is another.

Duty Is Worship

Ben repeat the word ‘duty’ day after day and during all hours of the day, without any clear conception of what that word means. Duty arises when there are two people, you and another.

Earnest Devotion & Faith

A clever villager used to enter the village temple in the early hours of the day and sit on, with eyes closed, in the hope that people will honor him as a great devotee.

What Does God Want From Us

Establish your mind and intelligence in Me. If you cannot accomplish this and find it difficult, give up your egoism and carry on activities that are moral and holy. If even this is too

Mother’s Responsibility

A woman is like a field, while man is just like a seed. If we do not have a field, the seed cannot sprout. For all life on earth, woman is responsible. Great people,

Jesus’s Life

In celebration of the Christian Lenten season, which culminates on Easter Day, Swami teaches us in the following passages the meaning of Jesus’s life and ultimate sacrifice of Himself. The true significance of these