Thought of the Month Archive

Be Fearless

In order to be free from fear, you must develop the understanding of who you are. Here is what Swami says: When you forget yourself, when you forget the Atma, (Soul) you will suffer

Love Your Mother

Why is the relationship between mother and child so lasting? What is the responsibility of a child to his mother? Here’s what Swami says. Motherhood is the most precious gift of God. Mothers are

Phenomenon of Death

Death, is not normally thought of while one is engaged in life. Why is it important for a spiritual aspirant to reflect upon and inquire into the phenomenon of death? Here’s what Swami says: Keep always

Yearn for the Guru

You must have sincere yearning for the guru and make earnest inquiry to reveal the best path for your spiritual progress. Here is what Swami says: The guru warns and wakens. He reveals the

Thought of the Month

Baba often says that nature is our true preceptor and that there is much we can learn from it. Here is what Swami says. “The trees provide cool shade and sweet fruits equally to

The Year of Love

Swami has declared this year to be the year of love. What is the nature of love and why is it important for us to cultivate love? Here is what Swami says. “Love is

Out of One, Many

The thought manifests as word, the word manifest as deed; the deed develops into habit; the habit hardens into character. So, watch the thought and its ways. Let is spring from love, love that

Innate Nature & Desire

What is the innate nature of man and what is his deepest desire? Here is what Swami says. “It is part of human nature that man desires to reach the presence of the Almighty,

Swami, Who Am I?

What is the innate nature of man and what is his deepest desire? Here is what Swami says. “It is part of human nature that man desires to reach the presence of the Almighty,


Fearlessness results from understanding who we are. Here is what Swami says. “When you have steady faith and an integral vision, and when you constantly think of the indwelling divinity, you will not become

Fill Your Hearts With Love

Every Avatar comes for the purpose of spreading the message of love. Here’s what Swami says. “When you fill your hearts with love, you will have no ill-will toward anyone. Cultivate the faith that

The Role of the Guru

The true guru uplifts the disciple and puts him on the path of spiritual practice that destroys delusion. The disciple too has certain responsibilities. Here is what Swami says. “Who then is the genuine