3 P’s—Purity, Patience, and Perseverance

If every person observes three things, he will be one with Swami. You will experience the Divine in you. As the following three are in Me, I can declare firmly about them. They are

How Can We Satisfy God with Our Actions?

When Rama visited Shabari [an ascetic lady from the Ramayana], He told her, “I am hungry.” She gave Him some berries that she found in the forest. The Lord went to everybody. He went

From Transformation to Happiness

This is an edited version of a talk given by at the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Metropolitan New York in March 2022. A lawyer from Costa Rica, he is the producer of the

Sri Sathya Sai: Supreme Avatar

Shri Maharajakrishna Rasgotra, IFS (Retd.), is a career diplomat. He was the Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Netherlands, France, and Indian High Commissioner to the U K. He retired as Foreign Secretary of the Government

The Difference Between Universal Love and Individual Love

What is the way of practicing Swami’s teachings? How can one get complete benefit of Swami’s darshan (being in the presence of a holy being)? It is only through love. Love is God. Love

 Swami Explains the Mind⎯1

Hislop: This car in which we are driving has certain natural factors that are neither good nor bad. If moving, it has speed and momentum. In like fashion, what are the natural powers of

 Self-inquiry⎯The task to be engaged in

Man does not delve deep into the significance of all that happens around him. Siddhartha, who became the Buddha, had that urge to know and inquire. Most people live superficial lives. They are like

Heroic Mothers and Noble Sons

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in a discourse in May 1996 said that the Mother principle embodies seven potencies—fame, wealth, speech, wisdom, intelligence, fortitude, and determination—thus she is highly sacred. Embodiments of divine love!

The Birth of our Beloved

Before Kali Yuga [Iron Age] started, sweet Lord Krishna oft proclaimed “To this Earth again will I be born, when it is steeped in shame”. And thus it was so written, ‘pon the Gita’s

Offerings to the Divine Mother 2022

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day. For this occasion, children submitted artwork in honor of the Divine Mother.                    

Sri Jodi Adipalli Somappa

“Then, suddenly from among the crowd, an old man emerged. He shouted in a loud commanding voice, ‘Give the child to me’. There were two women and one man with him, who also pleaded,

Ramayana Epic Characters Explained-II

Bhakta: Swami, the inner meaning of the Maha­bharata and the Ramayana that You explained is re­ally very interesting. If only one probes deeply, what else is there in them? That kind of Mahabharata and