
First of all, one should have faith in one’s own Self. Develop self-confidence, which will lead to self-satisfaction. When you have self-satisfaction, you will be prepared for self-sacrifice. Only through self-sacrifice, can one attain

Four Responsibilities of Every Human Being

In His Divine Discourse to students on September 11, 1986, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke of the four sacred paths that assure safety in worldly life and the blessed attainment of the Lotus

How Can We Satisfy God with Our Actions?

When Rama visited Shabari [elderly devotee from the Ramayana], He told her, “I am hungry.” She gave Him some berries that she found in the forest. The Lord went to everybody. He went to

The Advent of Sai Avatar

With just three more days to celebrate the advent of Sai Avatar, My memory recalls the joyous day of His glorious, divine form, The multitude of eager devotees who came in droves to attend,

Forty Years to Find God

Mr. Lucas Ralli, born in London in 1920, educated in Eton and Oxford, served as Major, Royal Signals during World War II, and subsequently as Company Director and Chairman of various companies. Since 1979

Sai Explains

Hislop: Swami, something has happened here. Water is around this box. These saris will get wet. (Swami removed the cover of the box and those of us who were standing there could see that

The Search for Fulfillment

From the point of view of spiritual progress, persons can be grouped under three heads: pushthi (the full-filled or complete), maryaada (the part-filled or limited), and thepravaaha (empty or heedless). The first group, the

The Mind Stuff

In His discourse during His birthday celebrations Bhagavan Baba spoke about how the mind has to be watched vigilantly and warned against its own tricks. Keep the mind occupied with namasmarana [repeating the name

Realize God Through Pure Love

All the objects in this visible universe are Extremely beautiful, attractive, and pleasing. The Divine is immanent in the entire cosmos. The cosmos is filled with love. The Supreme Self is the embodiment of

Reflections from A Garden Chair

Seated in the garden in the summer months, a cherished time, On a chair strong and sturdy, made of steel and sedately white, After a short walk of ten and five minutes, a welcome

A Blessing in Disguise

Between 1988 and 2011, Prof. U.S. Rao was the Dean of the Faculty of Business Management and was also the Director at the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. His

Purusha and Prakriti

Bhakta: So far You have told some important things, (1) the external world (2) the internal world (3) Bhagavan, the Lord. Are these then separate entities, like cause and effect? Or are they connected