Monthly Archive: February 1999
Berniece Mead gave the following talk on the weekend of September 26-27, 1998 at the San Diego Sai Conference. I would like to offer pranams (salutations) at the feet of our sweet and loving
Devotee Talks
February 1, 1999
The following excerpts from Swami’s discourses explain the significance of this festival. “Let me tell you why this day is considered holy. Today is the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month,
Divine Discourses
February 1, 1999
This article is based largely on comments Sathya Sai Baba has made in His discourses about the eighth-century saint/poet Shankaracharya. In the early centuries of the Kali Age (Iron Age), Buddhism and Jainism were
Divine Discourses
February 1, 1999
“When a person is yearning for the precious goal of self-realization, all the forces of nature and all Creation will help and render all assistance.” Aim resolve on the most Supreme adventure— everything will
The individual will, when aligned with divine will has no limitation and becomes all-powerful. How can we do this? Here ’s what Swami says. “Where there is a will, there is a way,’ is