Thought of the Month Archive


Heart must understand heart; heart must be drawn to heart, if friendship must last. Friendship must bind two hearts and affect both of them beneficially, whatever may happen to loss or gain, pain or

Mind is the Instrument for Liberation

What is mala? Man commits many offences, knowingly or unknowingly, not only in this life but also in previous lives. The imprint of these actions is carried by the chitta (memory), life after life,

Man’s Sorrow, Delight, and Infatuation

What is the cause for man’s sorrow, delight, and infatuation? The cause can be traced to the different kleshas (sorrows) that afflict man from time to time. The first sorrow that afflicts man is

Control the Vagaries of Mind

There is a marked difference between satisfaction, which is called trupti, and true joy, which is santrupti. To understand this, consider the distinction between kirtan and sankirtan. Kirtan, which is vocal music, comes only


Swami says that it is not possible to give up the objects of this world, but if we can give up our sense of possessiveness we can be happy. He explains ‘detachment’ as follows:

Be Determined to Reach the Goal

So long as there remains a separate river distant from the ocean, which is its source and its goal, then the river will retain a separate name and have an individual identity. But once

Repeat the Name

There is one cause of all your sorrows as well as your joy and happiness. That is your mind. Many people have an adverse view of the mind; they call it monkey mind. But

Integeral or Sacred Vision

Whoever is fully awake and has developed his powers of discrimination will not suffer from sorrow nor be subject to fear. Only a person who has attachment to the body and attachment to objects

Sanctify Every Moment

This New Year day is an opportunity to contemplate on the vastness of time, of its speed, of the short span of time that we share and which has to be put to the

How to Achieve Surrender

The Gita does not intend that you should pluck a leaf or flower or a fruit from some plant or tree and place it before God. Nor does it ask you to bring water

Activities and Their Effects

Activities are of three kinds; karma (action), akarma (inaction), and vikarma (un-action). Of these, un-action is the most subtle of activities for it is neither sloth nor action motivated by desire. It is simple

Divinity in Humanity

What is the difference between the “Inner Divine and the ‘Cosmic Divine? In fact, there is no difference at all. Divinity in man is the ‘Inner Divine’ and the Divinity that pervades the cosmos