Thought of the Month Archive

Divinity in Humanity

What is the difference between the “Inner Divine and the ‘Cosmic Divine? In fact, there is no difference at all. Divinity in man is the ‘Inner Divine’ and the Divinity that pervades the cosmos

The Mind

There are three states relating to the mind; shoonyatwa (emptiness), anekagrata (simultaneous pulls of multiple thoughts) and ekagrata (one-pointedness). These three states are referable to and arise from the three gunas (qualities) in man.

Similarity Between Sai and Jesus

Jesus: I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and

Sufferings Man Undergoes

What is that prevents man from securing enduring happiness? There are five kinds of sufferings (kleshas) which stand in the way: “Avidya” (ignorance) is one kind of suffering. What is this ignorance? In the

Social Consciousness

In the following thought Swami talks about social consciousness and the transformation of all human. He says: The rich as well as the poor come to Sai Baba to seek love, peace, and liberation

Develop Compassion

Whatever service you are rendering you should not feel that you are serving others, but that you are serving God Himself. While taking bath or giving one to the children, consider that you are

Worship the Lord’s Feet

Realize and understand fully well that the only royal path to reach God is the path of prema (love). You will be able to taste this sweet honey of prema only at the lotus

Education Without Character

Modern parents want their children to pursue only job-oriented education. But what is the use of that education which does not bring about transformation in children? Neither are the children themselves benefited by this

Significance of Human Life

What are the main causes of ill health? Millions of living beings grouped as species dwell on the earth; they sustain themselves by means of food secured from nature, as provided by nature. It

Purify the Senses

Those who wish to use the body properly and see that they have good thoughts and perform good acts, have to take note of two factors—regulation of diet and regulation of their environments. You

All Religions Are the Same

There is not one dharma [right action] for Indians and another for Westerners. Dharma is universal. Yes, there is a test that may be applied to any action and you may thereby determine if

Oneness With God

As God is the embodiment of effulgence, you have to make your life effulgent to experience God. You have to realize that the light of your life has come from that param-jyoti (the supreme