Thought of the Month Archive


The proof of the rain is in the wetness of the ground; the proof of devotion is in the peace that the devotee has, peace that protects them against the onslaughts of success as

The True Offering

Among yajnas, there are two types—the outer and the inner, the outer being a reflection of the inner. The inner yajna is the bird in the hand; the outer, the bird in the bush.

Speech and Silence

Speech is produced cheaply, but it has high value. It can elevate as well as demean man. Listening to a speech, a zero can rise into a hero or a hero can collapse into


First of all, one should have faith in one’s own Self. Develop self-confidence, which will lead to self-satisfaction. When you have self-satisfaction, you will be prepared for self-sacrifice. Only through self-sacrifice, can one attain

The Search for Fulfillment

From the point of view of spiritual progress, persons can be grouped under three heads: pushthi (the full-filled or complete), maryaada (the part-filled or limited), and thepravaaha (empty or heedless). The first group, the

Observe Limits

Every sense organ has to be used with the consciousness of the limit inherent in it. Beyond the limit it becomes a misuse, sacrilege of a God-given instrument. For example, the nose is to

Overcome Four Blemishes

Man has to cleanse his mind of four blemishes before he can overcome the disaster that is fast overtaking him. They are ashraddha, krodha, avishwasam, and chinta (want of steady application in work, anger,


Enquire, enquire, enquire. Make a determined attempt. Don’t relax your spiritual efforts in any way. What we need to recognize is the mooladhaara [root basis of existence] principle. This principle is not visible through

Duty of Resistance to Adharma

Only in the nation in which the goddesses of dharma (righteousness) and shanti (peace) are adored will genuine prosperity and happiness exist. Today many are indulging in actions opposed to dharmaand truth, and on

Recognize the Power of Mind

Today man has to understand the true relationship between matter and mind. When one is asked about the mind, he says, “Don’t mind.” When he is asked about matter, he answers, “It doesn’t matter”.

Distinguish Between the Permanent and the Transient

The root cause of all difficulties experienced by man is forgetting his spiritual reality and identifying himself with his body. The body is only the vesture of the indwelling Spirit. By immersing himself in

Cultivate Mental Calm and Courage

Today we bid farewell to the year gone by and welcome the new year. We pray that the new spring should confer on all beings longevity, health, and goodness. Pleasant experiences and unpleasant memories